Villa Cresta Tots Preschool Program
2025-2026 school year registration is open to the public!
Summer 2025 Program registering now! New location this year (summer only)!
Please visit Stone Alley to register online and then complete the enrollment process by mailing in the physical paperwork/money listed below under "Enrollment/Registration Paperwork".
(please email if you have any issues registering with Stone Alley)
Email if you are interested in volunteering for our Parent board.
Quick Links
Villa Cresta Tots Preschool Program is dedicated to provide a structured program designed to encourage the social, emotional, physical and mental development of 3 and 4 year old children.
VC Tots Goals
The families and teachers who make up our preschool community share several goals.
These include:
- Creating a safe, supportive, and stimulating environment that encourages the social, emotional, physical, and mental development of young children through creative play;
- Nurturing each child’s sense of accomplishment and personal growth;
- Encouraging families to share their unique talents, interests, and experiences in ways that enhance the preschool;
- Fostering a sense of community, support, and belonging for all those involved in the preschool.
Our Play-Based Curriculum
The Preschool’s mission states that the Preschool is dedicated to provide a structured, cooperative program designed to encourage the social, emotional, physical and mental development of young children. How do we go about trying to encourage that growth? We let the children PLAY! “Shouldn’t they be learning something?” someone might say.
To that we say. “They are!"
The Preschool’s curriculum is based on the philosophy that children learn through their play and it is with and through play that they learn, grow and develop.
What are the key tools used to teach?
We set up our classroom to be a welcoming and inviting place for kids to explore. We provide tools to experience and play with.
It might be:
- with paint, brushes, glitter, glue, paper and scissors in the art area.
- with sand shovels, pitchers, cups, and more at the sensory table.
- with wooden blocks, foam blocks, cars, animals, and trains in the block area.
- with puzzles and games at the table toy area.
- a safe and cozy area for reading with a trusted adult.
What are the children learning?
- They are learning to interact with other children and loving adults.
- They are learning about science and how things work.
- They are learning pre-math skills and how things fit together and/or don’t.
- They are learning to use their words instead of hitting.
- They are learning pre-reading skills and learning that caring adults get down on the floor and
play alongside them.
Children need to succeed in all areas of their lives and we believe that giving children the time and space to play will allow them to flourish.
I tried to teach my child with books
He gave me only puzzled looks.
I tried to teach my child with words
They passed him by often unheard.
Despairingly, I turned aside
“How shall I teach this child?” I cried
Into my hand he put the key
“Come” he said, “play with me.”
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Villa Cresta Tots provides preschool for 3 and 4 year olds. There is a capacity of 20 children with two teachers at all times. Any additional parent or relative (over the age of 18) is eligible to volunteer. See Volunteer Eligibility section below.
3s Class- 2 spots remain 4s Class- 3 spots remain
2025-2026 Tuition Dues and Meeting Days
3’s Class $100 supply/app fee + $ 1,400 Tuition for the year
See Tuition/Payment Plans below for further details.
Meeting days will be Mondays/Wednesdays/Fridays from 9:00-11:30 A.M. and will occur September-May.
4’s Class $100 supply/app fee + $ 1,700 Tuition for the year
See Tuition/Payment Plans below for further details.
Meeting days will be Monday-Friday from 12:15-2:45 P.M and will occur September through May.
Payment Plan/Due Dates- 2025-2026
Application/Supply fee of $100 needs to be paid in full at time of registration, with submission of paperwork.
Tuition Payments can be made in full or in separate installments. Due dates for tuition are as follows:
Payment 1 is due 01/31/2025 ($280 for 3's and $340 for 4s)
Payment 2 is due 03/28/2025 ($280 for 3's and $340 for 4's)
Payment 3 is due 05/16/2025 ($280 for 3's and $340 for 4's)
Payment 4 is due 07/16/2025 ($280 for 3's and $340 for 4's)
Payment 5 is due in August at orientation ($280 for 3's and $340 for 4's)
Please reach out to our Treasurer Theresa at if any payment plan adjustments are needed.
Please note:
- Tuition, application and supply fees are non-refundable and non-transferable. We are a community preschool and all tuition funds go directly to the teachers pay and supplies for the program.
- Failure to pay by due date will result in a $25 late fee payable within 5 days after due date unless we are notified that there is a problem that we can help you with.
- A fee of $25 will be charged for any checks returned for NSF. All future payments must be made in cash, money order, or certified check.
Admission Policy
Children entering the 3's class must turn 3 by November 1st of their entrance year. They will repeat the 3's class before moving into the 4's class. Children entering the 4's class must turn 4 by September 1st of their entrance year.
Children must be potty trained before starting school in September. Pull-ups are not encouraged, but if need to be used, your child must be out of them by December 1st. Please talk to the director, Paula Spahn, with any other concerns.
LOCATED AT PARKVILLE TOTS CLASSROOM (not affiliated with Parkville Tots)
Our 3-hours program will run Monday through Thursday (exception of week 3- see schedule) for 4 weeks in June and three weeks in July. Our hours will be 9am-12pm.
We will accept 20 children total for each week. You may sign your child for any amount of weeks. Each week we will have a different theme and will cost $135/weekly.
Please register on Stone Alley first, then please complete Summer paperwork and submit a deposit of $20/per week to hold your spot. Your deposit will go towards your final tuition payment. All payments are due by April 9, 2025.
9am-12pm Monday-Thursday (Week 3 alternative schedule)
Week 1: June 2-5, 2025 -- Science
Week 2: June 9-12, 2025 -- Construction
Week 3: June 16-18 & 20, 2025 -- Farm
Week 4: June 30- July 3, 2025 -- Space
Week 5: July 7-10, 2025 -- Rainbow
Week 6: July 14-17, 2025--Water Week
Week 7: July 21-24, 2025 -- Christmas in July
Please reach out to for any questions or concerns.
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Please visit Stone Alley to start registering for your spot!
Registration Paperwork
Please print the following forms, 1 through 6.
1) Placement Application (2 pages) OR Summer Placement Application
2) Emergency Form (2 pages)
3) Statement of Policies Agreement (1 page) OR SUMMER STATEMENT OF POLICIES AGREEMENT
4) Discipline Policy (2 pages)
4) Health Inventory (3 pages) *May be submitted separately but no later than August 1st.
5) Immunization Form (1 page) *May be submitted separately but no later than August 1st.
6) Blood Lead Test Form (1 page) *May be submitted separately but no later than August 1st.
Mail ALL completed forms and your check/money order made payable to Parkville Recreation Council for $100 (non-refundable, non-transerrable application and supply fee).
ALL forms must be mailed to Villa Cresta Tots, 2600 Rader Ave, Baltimore, MD 21234 to complete the application process. Email with any questions.
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Volunteering Eligibility
Field Trips and Class Parties
Baltimore County Department of Recreation and Parks has made it mandatory for all adults who come in contact with children in a structured environment to have a background check completed. If you or any other relative age 18 or older would like to volunteer in our program, we need you to complete this as soon as possible. The background check is FREE and takes about 3 minutes to complete. EACH ADULT MUST COMPLETE AN APPLICATION. Volunteers must re-register every year.
To access the Volunteer Application/Background check, please follow the directions linked here. Please select "Villa Cresta Elementary School Parkville Rec Council Tot Fun" under the T-W Communities section.
Once you have submitted your application, you will not receive any information from Baltimore County regarding your background check UNLESS there is a problem.
Please email our Chairperson, Samantha Christiani, at to let her know you have completed the Volunteer Application.
Classroom Helpers
In addition to the Baltimore County Recreation and Parks background check, all classroom volunteers will be required to complete a fingerprinting backgroundcheck per Department of Child Care. Classroom volunteers help with regular scheduled classes. The cost will be $65 per person and fingerprints are good for five years.
Paperwork for fingerprinting: Fingerprint Form here and Privacy Rights Form here.
Please call Absolute Fingerprinting Services at 410-828-6460 to schedule a fingerprinting appointment.
Absolute Fingerprinting Services
604 East Joppa Rd
Towson, MD 21286
Adults will not be able to volunteer unless you are on the approved list. Please allow at least two weeks for background check and fingerprinting clearance.
Weather Related Closings
Villa Cresta Tots follows the Baltimore County Public School system for our calendar and holiday schedule. We also adhere to their weather policy which includes late opening and early closing due to inclement weather. If Baltimore County school system…
Starts 1 hour late – Tots is open
Starts 2 hours late – 3’s class is cancelled, ,4’s class will be open
Closes 1 hour early – Tots PM class is cancelled, 3s class is open
Closes 2 hours early – Tots PM class is cancelled, 3s class is open
Closes 3 hours early – 3s come to class, 4s class is cancelled
Closed – Tots is closed
BCPS Now is an app for smartphones which is updated with the status of school closings.
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Supplies List 2024-2025
No backpacks are needed. A folder will be provided to bring daily to class.
For snack time the children can bring a labeled lunch box and we also suggest a reusable thermos/tumbler for their water.
3-year-old classes:
4 year old classes:
1 pencil box (8.25”x5.25”x2”)
1 pair of blunt tip FISKARS brand scissors
2 4oz. bottle Elmer’s school glue
1 16 count box of crayons
2 box tissues
2 containers Lysol/Clorox wipes
Please label all supplies with your child's name.
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Director/Head Teacher & Teacher Assistant
Director and Head Teacher Paula Spahn has over 30 years at VC Tots.
Teacher Vanessa West, Associates in Early Childhood Development.
Address, Phone Number, Contact Information, Tax ID
We are located at Villa Cresta Elementary, 2600 Rader Ave. Parkville, MD 21234, see directions below.
Our Classroom Phone Number is 410-663-5285. Please use this number if you need to speak to the teachers regarding your child. If you have general questions, please email us at the address below.
Our Email Address is
Tax ID: 52-1071220
Directions to Villa Cresta Tots
From Harford Rd, take Taylor Ave west to Old Harford Rd and turn right. Proceed two blocks and make the 2nd left on to Rader Ave. Drive 2 blocks to Villa Cresta Elementary School on the right. Go to the back parking lot. The Tot's Room is found up the ramp and through the double blue doors.
From Joppa Rd, take Old Harford Rd south to Rader Ave on the right. If you get to Taylor Ave you've gone too far. Turn right and drive 2 blocks to Villa Cresta Elementary on the right. Go to the back parking lot. The Tot's Room can be found up the ramp and through the double blue doors.
From Perring Parkway, take Taylor Ave east to Elmhurst Dr on the left. Turn left on Elmhurst and drive two blocks to see the school directly in front of you. Go to the back parking lot. The Tot's Room can be found up the ramp and through the double blue doors.
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Tots Emergency Plan
Scholastic Books Ordering
Snack Policy
Guide to Regulated Childcare
Villa Cresta Tots ByLaws
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